

1、Goal! 进球了! 2、Penalty! 点球呀! 3、Foul,foul 开球呀犯规了!4、What a shot 这个球踢得可以啊!5、It’s in!它进网了(或它进了)6、Save the goal! 救救了拯救了!7、Ahh,it's gone by! 好球8、Oh no, he misses again. 糟糕又没进!9、He is so slow! 他走得太慢啦!10、I can see that it will be an own-goal 这回肯定自摆乌龙。

11、The ball was hit straight at him, but still he keeps his head on!这个球打得很正诶他怎么躲过了呢!12、This guy really has a gift for keeping the ball out of the net. 这哥们真是守门好手哇!13、Get up you lazy player! 你家懒鬼,快起来!14、Don't show off, kid. 别耍帅啦小朋友!15、You shouldn't try to dribble past three players alone. 你不应该一个人想挑过三个人的防守的;16、How could they let such a weak side into this match! 他们竟然让这么弱的一支球队进来比赛!17、Why do we always have to play against them? 为什么每次都要跟我们对抗的队伍?18、We need some fresh blood here! 我们这里要加点新血才行!

19、Let me give these guys my all today. 今天我一定要尽全力了~20、Good luck everyone, We need one more point now!大家加油,现在我们只差一分了!


我是2013年世界杯开始看球,看了那届比赛之后一发不可收拾的,自此成为了一个铁杆球迷。 刚开始看球的时候,我是在寝室里看的,那时候我们宿舍有5个人,每天晚上吃饭的时候就看球,大家围在一起边吃边聊,气氛特别热烈。后来就发展成晚上一起熬夜看球到一两点,然后在第二天上午补觉(现在想想真是佩服自己的体力)………

