

1、进球时(主场):Sieve(渣客)!Sieve(渣客)!Sieve (渣客)! Sieve (渣客)2、进球时(客场):Come On. Welly Come Oi-OI Oi Oh!!(威利-沃尔什,曼城队传奇,绰号“老将军”。为曼城打进无数重要入球,但他在进球之后,总把球踢回给对方,以示敬意和礼节——sweeper kick, 清道夫踢法)

3、进球后:Goal! Go on, go on...(加油哦~~~~~~~)

4、换人时:Who's out? Who's in?/Who are you putting on?(谁下去啊~~谁上来啊~)

5、教练换人时:Put [Player Name]in! Put [Player Name]on!(该上场的是[球员名字]啦~~~!!!)(这是球迷们向主教练施压的常用方法,因为通常换下一个出场队员都需要经过队长或队长代理人的同意,所以球迷们的压力有时能影响到教练的决策~~不过也有过不少情况下是主教练自己突然心血来潮地决定换下谁的~~)

6、罚任意球开出去的时候:Ball! Ball! Kick it to me, man! (传过来呀~~~~~~~~)

7、罚角球准备开的时候:Where is he going to put the ball in?(他会把球放哪儿啊~~) Where should we be marking him? (我们要盯哪个位置去呢~~应该是在球门左边还是右边比较安全呢?………………)

8、丢球时:Oh my God! What a mistake! My God, what happened there? (天哪,又失误了!这到底是怎么搞的嘛!!!!!!! ) There goes our chance again! Fuck, fuck!(我们的机会又走了。。。妈蛋。。。) Shit, how can they score like that? Why didn’t our defenders close down so much faster or block their shot better than that? They were all sleeping when this guy scored.Fucking shit! This game will end up in a draw for sure.(靠,他们怎么可以打这么容易进的球呢?为什么我们防守的时候要跑得那么慢或者没有挡住他们的射门呀?那家伙进球的时候,我们队的人都在睡觉吧~ 妈蛋!这局铁定平了~~)

9、被对方攻破大门时:We lost another goal! How could she miss it? She has been scoring goals every single time she gets the ball near the net.What was she thinking of missing such an easy chance? And why does our keeper always make those kinds of mistakes? It must have something to do with his hair style.That's got some kind of effect over him.He looks quite mad when wearing these long curly hairstics and I think, if only he cut them off, then maybe he would regain his concentration.Yeah. That might help us get back into the match instead of letting the other team pull away from us.(又被进一球了啊?怎么会漏掉的呢?平时离门那么近她都能进的呀,今天她到底在想些什么?为什么要让这个很容易的机会溜走啊?还有啊,我们的守门员干嘛总是犯这种错误呀?一定是因为他的发型的关系,他那个头发卷得太厉害了,看起来就会有点神智不清的样子,如果他把头发剪短一点儿的话,说不定就会有好转喔~~这样也许我们可以追上对方的脚步而不是让对手拉开我们那么多的分差~~)

10、中场休息时:Coooool! Let‘s get ready for the second half now; If we work hard enough, we still stand a good hope to win the cup championship at the end of the season! Goodbye, guys; see u later! Thank you very much; Bye bye!(好~ 好~ 中场休息时间到耶~~~ 让我们好好的休息一下,


作为一个伪球迷,踢球的时候喜欢高唱“天下足球”。 世界杯期间,我都是看1998年的世界杯(毕竟那个时候我还很小嘛) 看中国队比赛时,一般都是听《红旗飘飘》和《歌唱祖国》的。 看到中国与德国的比赛时,我会不由自主的高声大叫 “德国队!加油!” 中国对阿根廷的那一场,当中国球员站在中圈准备开球的时候 我会忍不住大声呼喊“潘帕斯,雄鹰加油!”

最后我想说,无论我是多么不情愿承认 但是,我喜欢足球这项运动 即使我根本不了解足球规则 但就是喜欢! 我相信每一个热爱体育的人,都有一颗真诚的心。
