但是大家也知道现在的犯规比那时候严重多了吧……所以这个标准已经跟不上时代了。 不过呢,尽管现在已经不遵守这条规定了,但毕竟这是国际足联自己定下的规则,它还是保留在一些官方文件中,并且作为足球历史的一部分被记录了下来。
下面是我查到的资料: “The Laws of the Game” – a manual used as an official reference by referees and national federations for all international matches. Originally published in 1970, it was revised in 1973 (to include the introduction of the penalty kick), followed later with revisions due to the 1978 World Cup and then 1980’s. The latest revision was made possible because of the 1998 tournament, when FIFA decided that they would re-edit this rulebook every time there is a major change on how the game is played.
From what I could tell, these laws are not strictly enforced. For instance, you can read about them here: 在这些规则中并没有提到“六犯离场”;相反,只是提到了如果球员多次挑衅对方或者辱骂裁判就会被罚出场外而已。
事实上,我搜了一下,发现现在只有中国足协还有执行这条规则的遗风: 在《中国足球协会纪律准则》第四章中就有提到这一条规则:其中25条提到一次斗殴行为将处以禁赛一场的处罚;而26条就是所谓的“六犯离场”处罚条例了。 但请注意,这只是中国足协的规定,并不是世界各国的通行做法。而且,根据上述提到的官方文件的记载,这项规定早在上世纪七十年代就废除掉了。
话说回来,即使有此规定,以现在比赛的激烈程度而言也几乎不会有人犯下六次的重犯了! 所以呀,题主还是别想多了啦~好好看球就好拉^_^P