

03-07 19:21

【NHKスポーツ】オリンピクには世界赛を出している国や地域が多く、日本代表のフィギュアスケットパーキング选手が自分の好きな「チャレンジ」で参加することも可能 奥林匹克委员会中,有很多奥运会举办国家及地区,冰上曲棍球选手有机会选择自己喜欢的挑战项目参赛(虽然这个可能性很小) 国际奥委会官网信息如下 The IOC will organise a number of competitions for the athletes taking part in Rio 2016. These events are not related to the Olympic Games,but have been specially designed so that they follow the same rules and standards as the Olympics: “The idea is that these can be seen by all those who cannot take part or do not yet qualify, but also give them an idea of what it means to compete at the highest level with their friends” explains IOC member John Coates, who has helped develop this concept.

“We want our best young athletes around the world to try out for Team Europe and Team Americas when they reach the age of eighteen (or twenty-one if they play in winter sports).They should choose whether to race against other Europeans or Americans on road, mountain bike or BMX or test themselves more generally against opponents from across the globe.For example, one might prefer to skate in figure skating, speedskating, short track, long track or synchro.In ski jumping, there could be a chance to jump over more hills than you usually would before turning eighteen, while cross country skiers may enjoy competing over courses longer than usual. It’s really up to each athlete! Each event category offers medals like its counterpart Olympic discipline, including gold, silver and bronze, plus a special fourth-place medal."

John adds: "This gives everyone a real chance to experience winning.I think we need to create opportunities such as these because many talented young athletes won’t get this sort of opportunity outside of major cities — unless you go abroad, which is expensive and sometimes isn't possible due to travel restrictions. If they don’t get to see these sorts of high-level competitions, how else do they understand where they stand relative to others? How does an athlete learn that he needs to train hard every day, or spend time with his team, or make sacrifices? This will only happen through competition against fellow competitors of equal skill.And then when they turn eighteen or twenty-one,we hope some of them will come forward to represent their countries in the Olympic Games.


我要说的是日本的足球实力在亚洲处于第一的水平 其次,我还要说日本队踢球态度认真,球员努力、勤奋,主教练战术素养极高(当然也有短板) 最后,我希望日本人能继续保持这样的态势,继续加油! 然后呢我想说的还是关于国足的一些事.希望有朝一日我们也能像小日本那样为了胜利而拼尽全力,而不是输了之后找一大堆理由去搪塞球迷们,让球迷们在黑了这么多年后终于找到一次机会好好骂你们娘. 我觉得中国需要一批真正热爱足球的教练和队员来踢球,但我觉得现在根本做不到这一点 因为我们的联赛没有形成良性发展,因为足协的政策导致了大部分球队都是为钱而来,他们只是为了赚更多的钱从而引进更好的外援,而不是真正的培养本土球员(如果我是老板的话我一定先培养我的队伍) 现在联赛是金钱至上,谁有钱谁就能买更好的人,但是这样下去只会导致国内联赛越来越没落... 中国队的现状就是一群没钱却爱足球的孩子拼命地去模仿有钱人的生活方式 但这是没有意义的,因为我们既没有他们的钱也没有他们的技术 所以与其幻想自己成为有钱人,还不如脚踏实地地好好练好基本功吧 最后我想说一句话—— 我们中国人不管什么时候都不能忘记自己是一个中国人啊!
