“You can't be a man without woman.” 没有女人的男人不是一个男人。 (加字母改读音,变成一句情话) You can't be an oman with no womam. (音译,有你才完美) 如果要更有韵味一点可以加入谐音: “你不在,我打得进去吗?” “You not in,can I score?”“你在,我的天空就辽阔” “You are,my sky is wide.” “有了你,世界才算完整” “With you,the world is complete.”
当然啦,还可以加入自己对于爱情的宣言,比如—— “和你在一起,我就是满分!” “I am full with you.” “和你数遍星河,人间才算开始。” “With you, the universe begins to count.” "你来得正好,刚刚好是我最爱的时刻。" “It’s just right that you came at this moment when I love you most.” (把“遇见你,是我的运气”倒过来读就是这句了)